

Bonds: Frequently Asked Questions

Bonds: Frequently Asked Questions


A bond is a certificate promising to repay, no later than a specified date, 投资者或债券持有人借给公司的一笔钱. In return for the use of the money, 公司(或市政当局或其他政府实体)还同意每年向债券持有人支付一定数额的利息(称为息票), and is typically a percentage of the amount loaned.

Bondholders are not owners of the company. 他们不分享股息或对公司事务投票,他们的投资回报通常不取决于公司有多成功. 债券持有人有权获得最初商定的利息数额, as well as a return of the principal amount of the bond, provided they hold the bond for the time period specified. 例如, 如果你买的债券面值为1000美元,票面利率为8%,期限为10年, you'll receive $80 in interest every year, and at the end of the 10 years, 你会得到你的1美元,000年.

What are the various types of bonds?

债券按发行实体分类,如公司, 美国财政部, GSE (Government Sponsored Enterprises) debt securities, 和市政债券. 公司债券通常以1000美元或5000美元的面额发行. Treasury bonds are issued denominations of $1,000 while municipal bonds are issued in denominations of $5,000. 这些数字指的是债券的面值,是公司同意在债券到期时向债券持有人偿还的金额.

这些债券的交易价格可能与面值不同,因为债券的价格或价值与经济中的利率走势密切相关. As interest rates change, so too will the value of the bond. If you need to sell the bond before it matures, 它可能比你最初支付的价格更有价值(或更少).

Some bonds are callable or redeemable, 这意味着发行人可以选择在到期日之前以票面金额从持有人手中买回这些债券, often referred to as the call date. 可赎回债券的价格总是低于普通债券的价格,而收益率通常较高.


债券有三种分类方式:发行机构, 通过他们的成熟度, 根据他们的品质.

美国.S. 政府通过财政部出售债券来为国债融资,并通过各种联邦机构出售债券以达到特殊目的. State and local municipalities sell bonds to finance schools, 医院, 高速公路, 桥梁, 机场, 和类似的, 公司发行债券为长期资本项目融资,如新厂房或新设备.


  • Short-term bonds mature in less than two years, 但在某些情况下,也可以指到期不到一年的债券
  • Long-term bonds mature in more than ten years
  • 中期债券顾名思义,到期期限介于短期债务和长期债务之间

Treasury bills have maturity dates of one year or less, Treasury notes mature between one and ten years, and Treasury bonds have maturates of ten years or longer.



What is meant by the term "bond quality?"

Bond quality refers to the creditworthiness of the issuing organization; in other words, the likelihood that it will be able to repay its debt. 独立评级服务机构,如穆迪投资者服务公司. 或标准 & 可怜的, publish directories that rate bond quality. 较低的评级意味着该服务将更大的信用风险与特定的债券发行联系在一起. 评级机构使用字母a到D的组合来评估潜在投资者的风险. 例如, AAA(或AAA)是最高质量的债券,而C或D评级的债券是违约的.

评级并不是为了衡量债券作为一种投资的吸引力, 而是风险. 也就是说,如果持有到到期,本金支付的可能性有多大.

只有你.S. Treasury's debt is considered free of credit risk.


What is a "bond call provision?"

考虑长期债券的投资者应警惕债券可能出现“看涨”或赎回功能, 在债券的整个生命周期中,哪些因素会挫败人们对高收益的期望. 这种赎回功能赋予发行公司在一定年限后赎回其债券的权利. 越来越多的公司在债券中保留了这种提前赎回的特点,希望日后能以较低的利率进行再融资. The call feature has three effects:

  • 在买入日期之后,并不能保证高收益将继续

  • It may limit the appreciation of the bonds

  • 这就产生了风险, where the purchase price is higher than the redemption price, part of the investment will be lost

There are a number of different call provisions, some of which are complex and hard to understand, but brokers are required to disclose call features in writing. 检查合同, which is the contract between the bond issuer and bondholder, 选择那些没有看涨期权功能或有看涨期权保护的债券,或者选择那些有可能的最新赎回日期的债券.



The table below provides a summary of the ratings:

说明: 标准
& 可怜的
Aaa 最高质量 AAA
Aa 高质量的 AA
A 质量好 A
英国机场管理局 中等品质 BBB
Ba 投机的元素 BB
B 投机 B
创新艺人经纪公司 更多的投机 CCC
Ca 高度投机 CC
__ 在默认情况下 D
N 不评价 N



What factors affect bond prices?

可以把债券价格和利率想象成跷跷板的两端. When rates fall, prices rise. When rates rise, prices fall. 为什么会这样呢?

你买了1万美元的债券,支付9%的利息直到30年到期. Suppose you need to sell that bond after only 10 years, 在这段时间里, the interest rates on new loans is 11 percent. 为什么投资者买你的债券只需要支付9%的利息,而他们可以从别处获得11%的利息呢?

要卖掉它,你需要把债券的价格降到你购买时的价格以下. 然后, 当债券到期时, your buyer will get more than he or she paid for it, 同时弥补收到的低于市场的利息支付.

另一方面, 如果你需要在7%的新贷款利率下卖出债券, 你可以对你的债券收取溢价,从而获得更优惠的9%利率. 当债券到期时,你的买家得到的将少于他或她支付的金额, 弥补在此期间收到的高于市场利息支付.

Bond prices are also influenced by maturity. 债券价格变动的幅度也受债券期限的影响. 期限越长,在给定的利率变化下,价格的变化越大. 例如, 利率上升将导致20年期债券的价格下跌幅度大于其他情况下相当的10年期债券.

Bond mutual fund share values generally reflect bond prices. 基金 managers decide which bonds to buy and sell, 当, in accordance with the fund's investment objective. 当然,债券型共同基金的股票可以在任何时候赎回或清算.


债券共同基金价格因利率变动而变动,并不反映债券发行者的信誉. 不过,如果债券共同基金的信誉发生变化,它们的价格也可能发生变化. This type of price volatility is known as credit risk.

This is one good reason to invest in bond funds. 因为一个基金是由一系列机构的债券池组成的, 一次违约对整个基金股价的影响,远不及只持有单一债券的投资者的影响大.



单一债券和债券共同基金的最大区别在于,你可以“锁定”单个债券的利率, 但与债券共同基金,因为债券基金包含许多不同的债券, 你收到的股息和到期日都不是固定的. So you can't lock in the principal or your payment rate.

Let's examine the implications of this difference.

债券共同基金是由一家投资公司发行的,其唯一业务是管理单个债券的投资组合. 投资ors purchase ownership shares in the fund, 每一股代表基金投资组合中所有债券的所有权. Thus, a pool of shareholders owns a pool of bonds. 专业基金经理利用股东的投资,根据基金的投资目标,为投资组合买卖债券.

Due to pooled resources and the professional money management, 债券基金股东可以投资的债券远远多于普通散户投资者. 例如, 您需要支付25美元,美国政府国民抵押贷款协会(GNMA或吉利美)的债券价格为1万美元, but you can invest in most GNMA bond mutual funds for only $1,000.

流动性是单独债券和债券基金的另一个重要区别. By law, the bond fund must buy back your shares at any time. You may receive more or less than your purchase price, 这取决于基金投资组合的价值发生了怎样的变化.

与此形成鲜明对比的是, 对于单个债券而言, if you invested in it directly, 如果你想在债券到期前卖出,你需要找到自己的买家.

债券基金的投资组合可以包含许多不同种类、不同期限和不同质量的债券. 风险 also vary depending on the type of fund. 所有债券基金都存在利率风险,大多数债券基金都存在信用风险. There may be other types of risk as well. Each fund's investment objective, the types of bonds it invests in, 相关的风险, 费用, and other information can be found in the fund's prospectus.


What types of bond funds are there?


目标 投资
公司债券 收入, Capital Preservation 公司债 利率, Some Credit
全球债券 资本增值 U.S. 和班.S. Corporate and Government Debt Currency, Policy, 利率, Some Credit
吉利美(GNMA) 收入 由国家抵押贷款协会支持的抵押贷款证券 提前还款、利率
高收益 收入, 资本增值 公司债券 Lower Quality 公司债 信贷、利率
收入(债券) Federal 税-exempt 收入, Capital Preservation State and Local Government Debt 利率, Some Credit
长期的市政债券 Federal 税-exempt 收入, Capital Preservation State and Local Government Debt 利率, Some Credit
State Long-term Municipal Bond Federal and State 税-exempt 收入, Capital Preservation State and Local Government Debt of Only One State 利率, Some Credit
U.S. 政府的收入 Capital Preservation, 收入 U.S. Treasury and Other Government Securities 利率



各州发行的债券, 城市, 或者地方政府的某些机构(如学区)被称为市政债券. 这些债券的一个重要特点是,债券持有人获得的利息无需缴纳联邦所得税. 除了, 如果债券持有人居住在发行机构的管辖范围内,其利息也可以免除州和地方税. Because of the tax advantages, 然而, 市政债券的利率普遍低于公司债券.

评级机构对州和地方政府及其机构发行的债券进行评估,并考虑税基等因素, 人口统计, 债务总额, and the area's general economic climate.

There are different types of municipal bonds. 有些是一般债务债券,由州或地方政府的完全信任和信用担保,并以其征税权力为后盾. 另一种是收入债券,发行的目的是为特定的公共工程(如桥梁或隧道)融资,并由特定项目的收入直接支持.


如果你对某一特定的债券发行感兴趣,请咨询债券交易商的当前价格. 你的公共图书馆也可能有市政债券指南或“蓝名单”."


What do I need to know about U.S. 政府债券?

Like state and local governments, the U.S. Government also issues debt securities to raise funds. 由于这些债券是由联邦政府本身支持的,因此被认为风险非常低.

政府债务证券包括期限不超过一年的国库券, Treasury notes with that mature between one and ten years, and Treasury bonds with maturates between ten and thirty years.

其他的你.S. 政府机构也发行债券、票据、债券和参与证书.

而政府证券不需要在证交会注册, 涉及他们的交易受证券法和SEC规则的反欺诈条款的约束.


Can I buy treasury bonds without a broker?

国库券、票据和债券可以直接从美联储购买. 打电话给离你最近的联邦储备分行,让他们把通过财政部直接计划购买的信息邮寄给你.


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