



的 decision as to which type of 业务 organization to use when starting a 业务 is a major one. And, it's a decision to be revisited periodically as your 业务 develops. 而专业的建议在做出这个决定时是至关重要的, it's also important to have a general understanding of the options available. 本财务指南提供的就是这样一个概述.


  1. 对实体本身(对其赚取的收入)和所有者(对所有者从企业获得的股息或其他利润分成)征税. 这个制度适用于企业s -公司,也叫c -公司,原因我们一会儿会讲到,首先对公司征税,然后对其所有者征税的制度被称为“企业双重征税”."

  2. 直通税收. This type of entity is in itself 不 税ed; 然而, each owner is each 税ed on their proportionate sh是s of the entity's income. 直通实体的主要形式(下文进一步解释)是:
    • 各种类型的伙伴关系.
    • s - corporate (s公司),与C-corps不同.
    • 有限责任公司.

像John Doe管道公司或Marcus Welby, M.D. is also considered a pass-through entity even though no "organization" may be involved.

第一个主要考虑(在这种情况下, 在选择经营形式时,是选择一个对收入征收两级税的实体(如c公司),还是选择一个对收入征收一级税的传递实体(直接对所有者)。.

通过实体的共同所有者和投资者可能需要他们的经营协议,要求在盈利年度有一定水平的现金分配, 这样他们就有资金交税了.


因此,商业和税收规划师通常会建议新企业——那些预计会有创业亏损的企业——从通过实体开始, 所以业主可以从他们的其他收入中扣除损失, 从投资或其他业务.

在选择经营形式时,主要的商业对价(与税收对价相反)是责任限制, 这是, 保护你的资产免受企业债权人的索赔. 州法律规定公司(C和s公司)的责任限制, 有限责任公司, 还有某些形式的合伙人. Liability for corporations and 有限责任公司 is generally limited to your actual or promised investment in the 业务.



的 S-Corp (so named from a chapter of the 税 code) is a 税 device created by federal law in 1958. 根据州法律,它是一家普通的有限责任公司, 为了联邦税收的目的,谁的所有者选举通过身份. That status requires compliance with a number of often constricting rules but, 除了一些例外, 遵守法规的公司逃避了联邦公司税. 作为州法律下的正规企业, 根据州税法,他们可能要像普通公司一样纳税, 或者以其他方式. 那些没有选择参加联邦s -公司选举的公司被称为c -公司(根据税法的另一个章节).


Ordinary 合作伙伴关系, called "general 合作伙伴关系," do 不 have limited liability under state law.

有限合伙只对某些合伙人承担有限责任,而对其他合伙人不承担责任. A limited partnership has both general partners (who manage the 业务) and limited partners (who, 在本质上, 被动的投资者). 的 liability of limited partners is generally limited to their investments. 普通合伙人的责任理论上是无限的, 但如果普通合伙人是一个实体,则在实践中可能受到限制, 比如公司, 有限责任. 如果一个有限合伙人承担了州法律所认为的“过多”的管理参与,那么他将被视为普通合伙人, 失去有限责任.

Both general and limited 合作伙伴关系 是 treated as pass-through entities under federal 税 law, but there 是 some relatively minor differences in 税 treatment between general and limited partners.

一个更近期的发展, 还没有被广泛采用, is the limited liability partnership (discussed 下面) which was designed for professional practices.



有限责任公司已成为新实体最受欢迎的业务形式, 许多现有的实体已经转换为这种形式. 它们以某种形式存在于各种状态. 的y embody limited liability features of corporations and pass-through characteristics of 伙伴关系和 s公司, 但比s军团更灵活.

For 业务 law purposes, 有限责任公司的成员 may be either passive investors or active investor-managers. Unlike with limited 合作伙伴关系, active management won't affect limitation of liability. For federal 税 purposes, 有限责任公司 是 treated as 合作伙伴关系 (unless they elect otherwise).

因为LLC规则因州而异, 一个特征, power or rule in the state where an LLC was created may 不 apply in some other state where it does 业务.

Some states do, and some states do 不, authorize 有限责任公司 with only one member.

Where one becomes the sole surviving LLC member in a state that doesn't allow single member 有限责任公司, consider quickly incorporating (to regain limited liability) and electing S-corp status (to retain pass through treatment).



自1997年以来, the IRS has 允许 业务 owners a previously unheard-of measure of choice as to how the entity will be federally 税ed. It allows you to choose between C-corp and pass through treatment (universally called "check-the-box").

有几个选择 允许. 如果该实体是成立的, it must be treated as a corporation (which doesn't preclude an S-corp election if otherwise available). 公开交易 伙伴关系和 公开交易 有限责任公司必须被视为有限责任公司.


All other forms of partnership may be 税ed either as C-corps or as pass-through entities (either as 合作伙伴关系 or, 如果S-corp身份可用并当选, 作为一个s公司.)

拥有两个或两个以上成员的有限责任公司可选择作为c -公司纳税, 合伙企业或S-corp(如当选). 只有一名成员的有限责任公司(在允许的情况下)可以选择以c -公司或s -公司(如果当选)的形式纳税,也可以选择无视该实体. 在这种情况下, 如果有限责任公司为个人所有, the individual is 税ed directly (and can deduct losses) as with a 个体户hip.

通常, 合伙企业和多成员有限责任公司选择作为合伙企业纳税,而单一成员有限责任公司选择无视实体. 与“勾选," the IRS will no longer question your right to combine limited liability with pass through treatment or, 如果你愿意, to waive pass through treatment for an entity otherwise entitled to it (with the exceptions don'ted above).

任何选择都有后果. 例如, if you opted last year for corporate treatment and want partnership treatment this year, 你将被视为清算公司, 并相应地征税(下面讨论).

大多数(但不是所有)征收公司税的州遵循纳税人的联邦“复选框”选择,以达到州税收的目的. 这并不一定意味着税收待遇会是一样的. 例如, a state may accept an LLC's election to be 税ed as a partnership and still impose an entity-level 税 on the LLC.




现在,考虑一下哪种形式最适合你想要的经营方式,并利用它的利润或启动亏损. “相比?将是一个主要考虑因素,因此有必要将应税实体(c公司)与直通实体进行比较,并将直通实体与其他类型的实体进行比较. 税 consequences of changing from one entity to a不her should also be examined.

从商业的角度来看,一个重要的决定是使用c公司还是某种形式的通过c公司有时是必要的. 例如, 如果企业的利益要公开交易, 只有c公司才是合适的.

对于一些活动, 各州可能要求公司形式(银行, 例如)和s -公司规则可能会排除s -公司形式.

从税收的角度来看, 而c型公司则有两种税率, 第一种税(对公司)的税率可能比所有者的税率低,第二种税(对所有者)通常推迟到所有者从公司收到股息或其他资产.

将增值资产分配给所有者, 或者出售这些资产和分配收益, 对公司和业主都征税吗. 的y 是 no longer opportunities, as they once were, to avoid two levels of 税.

对业主征收的税可能按较低的资本利得率征收. This is the case for appreciated assets distributed in corporate liquidation and, 2002年以后和2009年以前, it's also usually the case for 股息 distributed by ongoing corporations.

Funds can build up in the corporation at a relatively low rate until distributed. 然而, 最终对业主征税, 加上公司税, may eat up more of the profits than the single (pass through) 税 on the owner does.

C-corp可以将其全部或几乎全部收入以薪酬和附加福利的形式支付给所有人,从而将公司税降至最低. 假设这些付款可以作为业务费用扣除, 这近似经过治疗, since the corporation isn't 税ed on what it receives and then deducts; the owner-recipients alone 是 税ed on this. 这种安排在个人服务行业中效果最好, 什么地方更可能允许全额业务费用扣除.

美国国税局和法院可能会在其他情况下限制扣除, 发现业主补偿是“不合理的”,如果它反映了来自资本或非业主努力的利润分配,则部分不可扣除.

To summarize, some 业务es may find C-corp status necessary for 业务 purposes. But only comparatively r是ly will it be a preferable 税 choice for a new 业务.



If you decide on a pass-through entity, which of the several do you choose? 下面是对每个规则的简要讨论.


Limitation of liability gives s公司 the edge-for 业务 reasons-over general 合作伙伴关系, 独资企业, limited 合作伙伴关系 (as to limited partners whose partnership activity might expose 他们 to unlimited liability), 以及不允许单一成员有限责任公司的州的有限责任公司.

有限责任是有代价的, 然而, since states may impose a 税 on s公司 不 imposed on entities with unlimited liability.


  • 所有业主必须同意s公司的地位. This means that one co-owner can exact a price or impose conditions for his or her agreement.
  • 一个s -公司只能有一种股票, 这意味着收入, losses and other 税 attributes 是 allotted among stockholders in proportion to stock ownership.
  • 共有人的数量有限(100人以内), 与资格, 以同一家族成员为股东计算).
  • 谁可以成为共有人是有限制的(例如, a 非resident alien can不) and as to the kind of 业务 that can 有资格 for 作为一个s公司 (for example, 保险公司不能).

未能履行, 或者不再见面, these requirements means loss of S status and conversion to C-corp status and C-corp 税es.

这些限制和限制将进行对比, 下面, 合伙企业和有限责任公司的税收规则更加宽松.

s军团通常更受青睐,因为他们操作简单. 然而,它们并不适合许多企业. 合伙企业和有限责任公司的选择范围更广,引入了税务规划的复杂性,这可能超出了许多或大多数小企业能够有效使用或理解的范围.

有限责任公司与. s公司

有限责任公司 and s公司 sh是 the same 业务 优势-limitation of liability. s公司 是 a bit better understood by the 业务 community because 有限责任公司 是 new and vary from state to state.

与s公司相比,有限责任公司的优势是税收优势 合作伙伴关系. All the points 下面 where 有限责任公司 outscore s公司 arise because 有限责任公司 can choose 伙伴关系的税收地位.

  • 有限责任公司在一定程度上可以分配税收属性, 比如收入,或者某种收入, 折旧扣除, 等., 不像s公司受单一股票类别规则的影响而受到限制。.

  • s公司所有者 can deduct startup or operating losses up to their investment plus any debt that the S-corp owes 他们. 有限责任公司的成员 can do the same but can deduct further, up to their sh是 of the debt the LLC owes 其他人.

  • 有限责任公司更容易在实体形成后增加共有人. An outsider's transfer of appreciated property for an 有限责任公司的成员hip interest is 税-free. 对s -公司的类似转让应纳税,除非新的共同所有人-转让人(或转让人集团)在转让后拥有s -公司超过80%的股份.

  • 当有限责任公司的利益易手或有限责任公司的财产被分配时,有限责任公司可以进行复杂的税务调整(“基础调整”). 这些调整, 无法与s公司, 是否有减少某些有限责任公司成员应税金额的效果.

  • Distribution of appreciated LLC property to 有限责任公司的成员 is 不 税able to the LLC. 与S-corp对股东的分配相当 向s公司征税.

根据情况, S-corp status can be preferable to LLC status when the owners leave the 业务. 有限责任公司是 当增值的财产分配给其成员时征税, 哪一种是企业清算的标准形式. But the members would be 税ed on distributions exceeding the "basis" (broadly, 他们投资的金额)他们的利益. s公司所有者, 另一方面, 可以安排免税出境吗, via a corporate reorganization in which they transfer their S-corp stock for stock in a corporate acquirer. (购买方以后出售的股票要纳税.)

取决于州法律, s公司, and 有限责任公司 may be 税ed at the entity level in states where they do 业务.

有限责任公司与. 合作伙伴关系

有限责任公司, 他们对所有成员承担有限责任, 有一般和有限合伙的优势吗 业务 的角度来看. While the federal 税 treatment of partners and 有限责任公司的成员 is basically the same, there 是 occasional special 税 rules for limited partners (especially self-employment 税 rules).

目前还不清楚这些特殊的税收规则是否延伸到 经理有限责任公司成员.


有限责任公司与. 业主制企业

有限责任公司, 他们的有限责任, 是可取的, 如果有, 从商业的角度来看,对于独资企业来说. 独资经营者在哪里这样选择, the LLC is ignored and the proprietor is 税ed directly under federal 税 rules as if no separate entity existed.

Some states do-and some do 不-ignore the LLC entity for state 税 purposes.



Professional practices (such as doctors and lawyers) have a number of options as to their form of 业务 entity.


的se provide limited liability for general 业务 debts but 不 for the professional's own malpractice and, 在一些州, 对公司内其他从业人员的不当行为不承担有限责任. 他们可能是c军团或s军团. 不像其他的c公司,P.C. c公司可以采用收付实现法会计.


大多数州允许专业人士在有限责任公司执业, either under a general LLC law or a special Professional Limited Liability Company law (PLLC). 在这两种情况下, 责任不限于专业人员自己的不当行为,而是, 取决于状态, may be limited for the malpractice of other firm members and for other firm debts. 的se 有限责任公司 sh是 the comparative 优势s (and minor 缺点s) of other 有限责任公司.


LLPs 是 general 合作伙伴关系 whose general partners have limited liability. 它们是为专业实践而设计的. A partner is liable for his or her own malpractice but 不 for a partner's malpractice or, 取决于州法律, 合伙人的其他行为. 通常 they 是 required by state law to maintain malpractice insurance, 他们必须向每位伴侣支付一笔费用以保持他们的身份, 但不需要缴纳实体税.


许多从业者选择以独资或合伙人的身份执业, 而不是在有限责任公司. 的y reason that their main exposure to liability is to malpractice claims, 而且这个实体不会为自己的不当行为(或, 在一些州, 针对合伙人的不当行为). 因此他们, choose to rely on malpractice insurance (which practitioners in limited liability entities may have too).




在附加福利方面,c型公司可以优先通过实体. As employees, owner-employees of a C-corp 有资格 for certain employee fringe benefits. 另一方面, 自由职业者(合作伙伴, 有限责任公司的成员, 个体户, 以及s公司超过2%的股东) 有资格.

c公司所有员工的医疗保险可以全部免税(由c公司全额扣除,业主员工完全免税). 然而, 对个体经营者仅部分免税, 因为他们对这个项目的税收减免有限.

另一个温和 优势 of the C-corp is that they 是 less likely to be subject to passive loss deduction limitations. 的se limit the opportunity to deduct losses from activities the 税payer doesn't "materially participate" in, 相对于投资或其他业务的收入. 通常, limited partners have been the group most subject to passive loss limitations.

另一种税 缺点 of C-corp status is its limited ability to report for 税 purposes on the cash method of accounting, 与权责发生制相比,哪种方法一般是递延纳税.



一个合格的s公司, 一般非税able, can be subjected to C-corp 税ation on certain items without losing S status for other items. This happens when a C-corp converts to an S-corp and carries over appreciated property later sold at a gain. s -公司为收益支付公司税, 然后向股东征税(通过公司税减少). Because s公司 是 intended to be operating companies rather than holding companies, this also happens when the S-corp has "excessive" passive investment-type income (interest, 股息, 和类似的, 超过总收益的25%). 在这里 the excess is subject to corporate 税 and is then 税ed to stockholders (minus the corporate 税).

一些人认为s公司是减少就业税的一种方式. 例如, 一个赚120美元,个人独资企业的1万美元可以转换成s公司,并获得70美元,年薪5万美元,外加50美元,000年的股息. 所得税没有改变,但是, 这是合理的, $50,现在作为股息收到的000美元逃避了雇佣税(120美元,000 of self-employment earnings was subject to both retirement and Medic是 税 up to $102,2008年为$ 000,2008年为$97,2007年为500美元,以上为医疗保险税). 在滥用的情况下, 比如工资很少或根本没有支付, IRS has treated the 股息 as pay subject to employment 税es on the owner-employees and on the S-corp employer. 但在支付大量工资的情况下, 还有大量的股息, 国税局没有反对.



有限责任公司的许多优点, 出于商业和税收方面的原因, 鼓励许多企业主转变, 或者考虑转换, 有限责任公司表格. 但是实体的其他变化可能适合特定的情况——例如, general partnership to LLP (for 业务 reasons) or C-corp to S-corp (for 税 reasons). 为税收目的, 在税收方面,通过复选框决定的实体变更被视为实体的实际变更(无论在州商业法下发生什么)。.

在这里, 简短而广泛的概述, is what happens for federal 税 purposes when entity status is changed (or treated as changed under-check-the-box). How these apply in your own situation must be reviewed in depth with a 税/业务 advisor.

  • c公司转换成s公司,反之亦然. 转换不用交税. 当它是一个s -公司时,通过治疗适用.

  • C公司或s公司转换为有限责任公司、合伙企业或独资企业. 一般, 对公司的清算征收的一种税, with pass through treatment for the new entity (in modified form in the case of a liquidating S-corp).

  • Partnership converts to LLC or vice versa; 个体户hip converts to single member LLC or vice versa. 对转换-传递治疗不征税.

  • 有限责任公司、合伙企业或独资企业转换为C或s公司. 一般来说,兑换免税. S-corp的收入通过治疗(修改形式).




我们为您保管您的书, so you can get back to the job of running your 业务 and generating profits.
We offer a variety of services to help make sure that you 是 taking full 优势 of Quickbooks' many features.
We're here to help you resolve your 税 problems and put an end to the misery that the IRS can put you through.
We offer one-on-one guidance and a comprehensive financial plan that helps manage risk, 提高性能, 并确保你的财富增长和长寿.

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